Instagram vs. Reality

Instagram Is NOT Reality

Life is not always picture perfect

This is a topic a lot of people touch on, and I never thought I would find myself writing a post like this. I think it is important for everyone to realize, especially those who are close to me or know me in person. I recently have gotten a few comments on Instagram pictures and dm's about how "my life doesn't look real" or how I am always out or traveling - it is only a handful but they are from people I have personally met or have known. It shocks me because that is definitely not the reality of it. Although I am learning more about blogging and photography, working with brands, and attending, a minimal amount, of blogging events, my life is by no means picture perfect. 

Instagram is the absolute HIGHLIGHTS of my life. I repeat, HIGHLIGHTS of my life. That means choosing the aspects of my life I WANT you to see. You do not get to see me having a mental breakdown at 2 am about not feeling good enough - whether it is about my job at the preschool, a future career, about my last semester of college, or thinking I will never be that good at blogging. 

It is easy for me to say that my Instagram is the highlights of my life. I realize that is most people's Instagram, but I still find myself doing an infinite scroll, finding girls who I instantly compare myself to, and immediately fall into this ball of insecurity. Or seeing girls who get these amazing opportunities from Instagram and blogging, and come to a realization that I won't be good enough to ever do that. These are all those scary thoughts in my mind, that I do not post on my Instagram and all those negative thoughts and feelings I choose not to show. 

Another important point I need to touch on is that to get the "perfect picture" takes, honestly, about 150 tries. For putting myself on social media, I can't stand going through pictures of myself. I need the right angle, with the right light and all other stupid means to make sure I look somewhat okay. I know, it sounds stupid, but to get a simple picture like this one I posted, takes about 100 horrible ones.

So if you see me posting something cool, or a little mini photoshoot I did, just remember 6/7 days a week I am home, doing homework, with my dog, in pajamas that by no means match or look cute, watching It's Always Sunny or The Office, my hair is not brushed and there is no makeup whatsoever on my face, and a bowl of some sort of snack right by my side. That is the reality. 

I wanted to end by showing you some outtakes of recent little shoots I did because I think it is important to show the not-so-perfect picture that did not make Instagram.

This is the face of someone painfully uncomfortable because people are watching as she gets her picture taken 

"Let me try and take off my sunglasses to spice up the pictures!"
Me when I realize how stupid I look trying to pretend I know how to pose: It is more than okay to laugh at yourself!!

I could not tell you what I was doing here, if I was trying to pose, or if I was explaining something, either way...why
I call this one "Isabella never shuts up for even a second..even for a picture"
True life: 60% of my outtakes are me fixing my hair or it is all completely in my face

Side Note: There are way worse and way more embarrassing photos of myself usually after I go out and shoot something, but my insecurities make me freak out and delete them immediately so I never have to see them again - dramatic I know but thought I should be honest and say it can look way worse than this. (I have a whole blog post about dealing with insecurities so totally check that out if you want!!!!)

THANK YOU to those who take time out of their busy days and lives to leave me some kindness and positivity, it never goes unnoticed and means the absolute world to me. Thank you for letting me be!

( I actually showed up to a casino in Atlantic City looking like this ~just girly things~ )


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