Life Updates

I'm Back!

Where I've Been + Life Updates

Hello, long time no blog! I am so excited to get back to writing blog posts. I am sure if you follow me on any type of social media you are pretty updated with all my life changes, but I wanted to get it all written down and go into detail about my life and what exactly has been going on.

First of all, my computer broke back in early September so that has been a major reason why I haven't been able to write a blog post. It is extremely difficult from my phone (trust me I have tried multiple times). Life suddenly got extremely busy and before you knew it, fixing my computer was the last thing on my agenda. Now let's get into some life updates shall we?

September 4, 2019: Entering my 4th year there, I started working full-time at the preschool! It has been an absolute dream doing what I love everyday. It can get pretty exhausting but I seriously would not trade it for the world. With that being said, that takes a lot of time up and it is hard to stay creatively thinking and being productive outside of work (blog posts, shooting content for Instagram, etc.), because when I say after the work day I am exhausted, that is an understatement

September 29, 2019: Probably the main reason I am extra exhausted - I found out I am PREGNANT! Yes, pregnant! Zach and I found out we were expecting and it was hands down the most beautiful, emotional, and exciting night of our lives thus far. I have always dreamed of being a young mom and it all came true that night. Now let's get a little serious for a minute. I know there are always going to be questions about me being pregnant and I want to answer truthfully. I wanted to be a mom so badly I mean, baby fever didn't even cover how bad I wanted to be pregnant. Every time Zach and I were out and I would see someone with a baby I would tell him how I want one ASAP. Unfortunately (without getting too TMI) I have deprived my body in the past and dealt with food/dieting/working out in a negative fashion. It definitely messed with my body. I was totally convinced I was unable to have kids. I swear days before I found out I was pregnant my mom even brought up the possibility of infertility with me and that absolutely crushed me. When I tell you this pregnancy is basically the Immaculate Conception I am not kidding. This is my miracle baby and I could not be more grateful I have the ability to carry a healthy baby. Love yourselves enough to take care of YOU is the biggest advice I can give because being able to be pregnant is the most beautiful thing ever and trumps any diet/size jean I did/was before. Of course I realize there are different reasons someone may experience infertility, but in my personal case - not taking care of myself was the reason. On a more positive note, why I took a pregnancy test was because my body was reacting a way it never has before. My level of exhaustion was through the roof, a little nauseous in the morning (I thought it was just nerves) and the weirdest one: I was SO out of breath just walking. Now for someone who worked out everyday, that was a major red flag that something was going on my body was not used to - and sure enough I got the positive test!

October 16, 2019: Got my first ultrasound of the little bean - so tiny, it makes my heart melt! That day made it so much more real, being able to see and bring a sonogram home. 

November 16, 2019: Zach and I moved into our first apartment! What a crazy, emotional, and exciting few weeks that was. For anyone that doesn't know, I am an only child, commuted to college and I am super close to my family. I never lived away so it was definitely a hard adjustment but Zach made the transition so easy for me. Not only does he take the best care of me, but he also makes it fun - living with your best friend/person you love is the best and now I can't imagine a time when we didn't live together! 

November 28, 2019: The day we announced we were expecting and our first Thanksgiving as a family of 3! I was overwhelmed by the love and support from so many people, close friends, social media friends, friends I made through listening to the same bands and even those I don't speak to often which made it even more meaningful and heartfelt. So again to all those for your kind words, reaching out, and love we appreciate you more than you know!

December 25, 2019: Our first Christmas in the apartment and as a family of 3. Waking up Christmas morning somewhere other than with my family in our old home was definitely something I was worried about, but Zach made it such a beautiful Christmas morning. He set up my gifts under our tree while I was sleeping and played Christmas music while we opened gifts, just like my family would do. Grateful is an understatement and I can't thank him enough for making our first Christmas so memorable and special. Of course right after doing gifts we went right over to my parents house - I know I am super over dramatic for 23, we are all just super close and it can be a big change sometimes!

January 10, 2020: Another Best Day Ever: Our Gender Reveal. Surrounded by all our close friends and family, on this night we found out we are expecting a baby boy! Zach swore it was a girl and I KNEW it was a boy - I even had a dream we were having a boy. Now not only did we get that amazing news, ZACH PROPOSED. After that night I was an engaged mama to a baby boy. Seriously tears were streaming down my face that entire night and to this day it doesn't even feel real. It went so beautifully and was truly a dream come true. A healthy baby boy on the way and I am getting married to the love of my life! 

From then on it has just been taking care of baby boy. We have had two trips to the beach together, a trip to the mountains, plenty of time surrounded by friends and family, and just prepping around the apartment for his arrival! Yes, I took new year, new me to a whole new level, but what better way to enter the decade then to be bringing in a new life and get married! 

Baby boys exact due date is: May 26, 2020 (my plans for Memorial Day Weekend are a bit different than last years haha)

As for wedding plans: it is still very tentative, but I am looking for  fall 2021 (I have always dreamed of getting married in the fall) - we will be doing a legitimate ceremony and reception. Let's be honest, I need to give myself sometime after having a baby to wedding plan and especially dress shop - plus I want to be able to have a good time at my reception! Now baby boy can be a part of it too which will be so magical. I definite will be doing a whole wedding planning serious on my blog when the time comes!

Head on over to my Instagram to check out the photos in color, plus many more in between updates if you don't already follow me! @isabellarodier  

Where I update the most:
Instagram: @isabellarodier - where you can find all my bump updates 

Pinterest: Isabella Rodier - inspo for nursery, baby boy clothes, wedding, etc. 


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