Tips on How to Stay Positive During a Quarantine

How I Have Been Staying Positive During a Quarantine

Tips and Tricks on how to conquer "Social Distancing"

Okay so it’s no hiding that being pregnant my social life has taken a turn and I barely left the apartment before all this madness even took place. It’s different though when you know you physically can’t leave, plus I’m not waking up M-F and going to work from 8-4. That is basically my life. I’m also not someone who is working from home so that’s leaving me with a ton of free time. I am an overly anxious person so sitting alone in the apartment can be draining and cause major anxiety. Now with all the hospital guidelines changing because of all of this, I am guilty of spending my day worrying (and most likely crying) over the fact I may have to delivery my precious baby boy alone and unable to have visitors. If you know how close I am with my family, that absolutely KILLS me. And the thought of not having Zach there sends me into a complete panic attack on the spot.

Since being pregnant I have had a pretty positive outlook on everything and honestly not being pregnant I think this whole isolation thing would’ve hit me harder. I decided to stop worrying about what-if with this virus, and take it as a positive, productive approach. No reason to just sit, stare, and worry. Instead I have been waking up and keeping myself to somewhat of a schedule and it helps immensely keeping things “normal” and keeping my mind busy to leave minimal time for worry!

Here are some of my tips on how I’ve been staying positive during social distancing.

1. So I don’t set an alarm for myself. In 9 weeks I’m going to have a baby that’s basically going to be an alarm and keep me up all hours. I’m lucky enough that 31 weeks pregnant I’m sleeping just fine and still able to sleep in. So I’m being selfish during this time and letting my body get the rest it needs. I usually sleep in until 10 which is longer than I’ve ever been able to. I take it as a major blessing because soon I know I won’t have that!

2. First thing I do when I wake up is make the bed. It’s one thing to cross of your to-do list and an immediate “accomplishment” as soon as you wake up! Makes you feel productive and also keeps your house/apartment in order and looking clean. 

3. Get dressed. In the beginning I was guilty of staying in my pajamas for a majority of the day...and then changing into different pajamas that night. My body never felt like it could be totally productive staying in the same thing all day. No I’m not changing into jeans...or anything with buttons for that matter, I’m pregnant for crying out loud I’m still going to stay comfy! I’ll usually put on some sort of workout legging and a sweatshirt, but it’s different than what I slept in and again, another thing to cross off the list.

4. Skincare=self-care. Working everyday and having to rush out of the apartment, I never prioritized morning skincare, only nighttime. Now with my morning free time I’m able to take it slow and take care of my body. It is so refreshing and exactly what my body needs upon waking up. I linked my favorite skincare products at the end of this blog post!

5. Workout! This is HUGE. I’m someone who worked out everyday before pregnancy. But, with being pregnant and working a ton (a job I’m on my feet the entire day) I could only workout 3-4 times a week, which is still good, but for my mental health was not the best. Working out because a total mental thing for me and a release of anxiety. Being able to even just take a walk everyday has been another blessing and so great for my mental health. When I get back into the apartment after working out I feel accomplished and I feel my mind is cleared. 

6. Trying to eat healthy, keyword...trying! Luckily this pregnancy I craved a lot of salad in the beginning and a lot of fruits/smoothies towards the end. Days I stick to the healthier path my mind feels clear and I just overall feel happier and better. Now with that being said, Chick-fil-A is my major craving, and I’ve only had it once during this quarantine, but somedays are just harder to stay on the healthy track which is just natural. So don’t beat yourself up but try to stay on a good path - it’s hard in the moment but when I go to bed at night with a belly full of nutrients, it’s such a great feeling and wake up the next day motivated to keep it up! 

7. Music, music, music! I’m a huge believer that music can totally turn your day around. One day I was feeling a little trapped/alone in the apartment so I made a playlist (you can search 'ikrodier' on Spotify to find it) for the spring/quarantine and it totally lifted my mood to a level I can’t even explain. Throw on some jams, dance around your house/apartment, and enjoy that you have time now to actually do that! Seriously, one of the best feelings ever.

8. Keep in touch. Reach out to family, friends,coworkers. I am SO guilty of isolating myself in hard times and not reaching out when I feel low or alone. It is something I struggle with so badly. I feel like a bother, I hate being the center of attention, or having other people worry about me. But obviously in such an isolating period of time, I’ve been making sure to stay in contact with everyone close around me, making sure they’re okay and they have been checking up on me. Truly blessed by all the amazing people in my life. I wish I could put words to how amazing my friends, family and coworkers are. They have made this time much easier on my mind, so stay in touch to those you love and care about!

These are just a few tips that have helped me keep sane/happy during these weird + isolating times. I know a lot of it seems self-explanatory but I can guarantee if you follow some of these tips, it’ll boost your mood and clear your mind! Take a deep breath, drink some coffee and attack your day like you normally would! Life is weird right now but just know, if whoever you are reading this needs a (distant) shoulder to lean on and someone to talk to, I am here regardless of how well we do or don’t know each other. Let’s get through this together!

Here are some references: 

Spotify Playlist:

My favorite skincare products as of now

Current workout: I usually walk outside or on the treadmill, but if I am stuck in the apartment this is the workout I have been doing - 10 Best Prenatal Pregnancy Workouts 

Favorite Healthy Smoothie Recipe: Easy + Healthy Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Instagram: @isabellarodier
Pinterest: Isabella Rodier


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