Spring Mood Board #1 - March

Spring Has Sprung

Spring Mood Board: March Edition

I keep seeing mood boards pop up everywhere on social media, and have taken such an interest in them. I never had taken a graphic design course, but if I could do it all over again, I would have definitely gone to school for it. With social media playing such a huge role in jobs anymore, it is extremely prominent. It is also such an art and I truly admire those who have such a creative eye for it. My major inspiration behind the decision to create my own mood board was when I began following The Mayfair Group on Instagram. They create the most captivating mood boards and gave me a whole new appreciation for graphic design. With all that being said I am an extremely new beginner and this is my first shot at trying to create one, but it was honestly the most fun I have had creating something in a while. I am definitely going to continue trying my hand at it, watching tutorials, and hopefully will continue to perfect this skill. 

The first step I did in creating my mood board was figuring out where I was going to create it. Canva was the best option for me because it literally has a mood board template. I have previously used Canva to create media kits and complete small assignments for job applications such as creating advertisements or posters for made-up companies. Overall it is an amazing website/app that everyone should take the time to check out!

Next, I decided on my color inspiration. I have been loving pastels, light blue jeans, white shirts, pastel florals, etc. - so then I went on my hunt for some pictures. Being able to create MY own mood board, I took advantage of being able to throw in my own picture. I then headed to Pinterest and sifted through a bunch of pictures, quotes, etc. that resonated with me and that I felt fit my spring mood board. Things I want to incorporate in my personal social media, give me ideas, and inspiration. This was the most fun part and truly got me motivated to create some really cool content that I feel fits my personal brand. 

The part I probably spent way too long on was the placement of the pictures. Trying to create the perfect collage, while not overlapping things too much that I want to be seen, it was honestly such a struggle. It was like my own personal game of Tetris in a sense. 

For it being my first mood board, I am really content with how it turned out, and want to try and get one up for each month to see how I am improving this skill. 

If anyone has any tips, tricks, or just any suggestions, I am more than all ears and I am so excited to continue learning.

So here it is, my March Mood Board: 


Instagram: @isabellarodier
Pinterest: Isabella Rodier
Twitter: @isabellarodier
Email: ikrodier@gmail.com
The Mayfair Group Instagram: @themayfairgroup


  1. Great job! I love the general peach and pale blue color scheme. Very relaxing.
    Makes me impatient for summer 😎


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