Looking Back on 2017

Let's focus on spectacular 2018, shall we?

If you know me and are remotely close to me, I am not one to talk about feelings or hardships. I tend to keep to myself and put on a smile for the world, even if that may not be my exact feeling at the moment. Letting people in is hard, so sometimes the only thing that was possible for me was to shut myself out. Through these said hardships, I learned a great deal about myself and the people around me.
First picture that was taken in 2017. January 10, 2017.

2017 was that year

My first big thank you goes to all my friends, those who persisted to stay in touch with me, who made sure I was okay at all times. Thank-you

2017 did not kick off in the best way possible, a lot of obstacles to overcome. Now that it is the very last day of the year, I can honestly say those obstacles changed me as a person. The amount of self-growth that has taken place is something I absolutely needed. This was probably, hands down, the hardest year of my life. With that being said, I would not change it for the world. 2017 also happened to turn into a really fantastic year as well. Balance, I guess?

People always tell you things get better, and that was being said to me up until about May of this year. You never believe it because they are not the ones dealing with what you are going through, therefore I believed things would never be better. I am so happy that I stand corrected. Things do get better, I promise. Things can even get more amazing than expected. 

Some people come into your life and change it in the most significant ways. After all the struggles in 2017, it made me appreciate those genuine people out there. It made me start to appreciate myself more, and know what I need and deserve. My next big thank you, is to that person who walked into my life, gave me one of the best summers ever, and treated me with the utmost love and respect. Thank-you. Let's keep moving forward - you know who you are. 

Finally, 2017 was a year I appreciated and needed a strong family dynamic. There were times when we just did not have that, due to everything happening this year. Being an only child, there can be that pressure that all eyes are on you. So when major events and emotions erupt, it is easy to feel like you have let your family down. Mine never made me feel that way, they directed me and supported me the best they could. They always let me know, no matter what we had each other. They are the most kind-hearted and loving parents a person could have. So my final thank you goes to my mom & dad. Thank-you. After this year, we are closer than ever and I would not trade that for the world!

As much as I love fashion blogs,  I enjoy being able to open up to you all and share things you too may be feeling or experience. It is always helpful to know you are not alone, but even more helpful to know that:

Things DO Get Better

Thank you to everyone who is reading this, who gave me the courage and inspiration to tell my 2017 story, grow from it, and gave me the motivation to have the best & most successful 2018. My resolutions are to: stay happy, stay healthy, work hard, graduate college, grow my blog, make new friends, & spend as much time as possible with my loved ones. 2018, I am ready, let's do this! 
Last picture of 2017. December 28, 2017.


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