2018 Goals

2018 Goals

There's Nothing Wrong With Dreaming

Now that we are a week into 2018, I have been able to conduct a list of my goals and aspirations for 2018. These are not to make me feel bad if I cannot complete them, more as they are to motivate me to keep moving forward, keep improving, and overall better the quality of life!

My first goal of 2018, is to stick to a workout routine. In the end of 2017, I really got into doing yoga. It is such a great stress reliever and had me up and staying active. I also absolutely LOVE to hike. Walking the trails at Wissahickon has got to be my top 10 favorite things to do in this world (yes I am very easy to please)! As soon as the negative temperatures go away, I hope to hit the trails once again, and maybe find new places to hike as well. Now, in these beginning days of 2018, I have been hitting the treadmill, started running again, as well as focusing on different core workouts. I am already feeling happier, healthier, and motivated to keep improving myself. I love the mental mindsight I have when I am in a regimented workout routine. 2018 will be my year for a healthier lifestyle and a healthier mindset!

My next goal of 2018 is to travel more. This does not have to be extreme, out of the country goals (although that would be insanely cool). The world is so massive, there is so much to do and so much to see, and 2018 I really want to take it all in and appreciate it. Whether it is finding new hiking trails, or visiting small nearby cities, I just want to enjoy and be thankful for what the world has to offer. Every time I plan a trip, I always get that "the night before Christmas" feeling. It brings me so much joy to be able to go somewhere outside my daily routine. Something I have constantly been grateful for has been my ability to travel so much, even at such a young age. I hope this continues and trips can become more frequent!

My final goal is that I want to grow my blog, as
well as my knowledge of fashion. I also want to expand my writing skills. Although it is something I do not go to school for, I really want to take time out of my schedule to gain some idea of what I am truly fascinated with. For writing, I took all my classes for it not so serious, I thought they were "easy A classes." Now that I am writing about topics I care about and I am very attentive about what my audience thinks, I want to gain experience and learn new tips and tricks as to how to write interesting blog posts. After years of debating starting a blog, and now that I have started it, I am dedicated to making it the best it can be. This is not to try and gain some sort of "social media fame" or to make money, this is for my personal growth. I want to grow my blog for me. This is a new goal I have never had so I want to stick to my word and see where this blog takes me.

I cannot wait to see where it will be at the end of 2018, and excited to have you all on this road with me!

~ Let me know about your 2018 goals and resolutions, I am interested to hear about what others want to accomplish in this new, exciting year! 


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